Saturday 31 March 2007


I was not there for the religion class but I am not a religious person I do not think that if you are a religious person you should try to convert people as it is there choice whether you are religious or not I was christened when I was about 1 but that is because my mom wanted that as now a days you cant marry with out being christened.

When people come knocking on doors to preach their religion I sometimes do not answer and I am being honest there as they do not seem to take no for an answer.

Friday 30 March 2007

Comments on Francesca Riggons Blogs

i really like Frans blog it has really good pictures on and the background she has choose makes the blogs stand out alot more there is alot of detail with in the blogs and she explains what the lecturers were about and what happened. The blogs are long but they are really good.

link to Frans blog

Wednesday 28 March 2007

Body Modification

So many people change there body each day by tattooing or piercing some area of their body.

I have 8 tattoos and my belly button pierced as this was my choice to these things i do not disagree with a person having piercing or tattoos as it is there own choice. I think that people can sometimes go alittle over board by having there whole body covered in either tattoos or piercings. i am thinking of having a new tattoo but not to sure yet.

Monday 12 March 2007

Bandits and Outlaws

There are many people other the years that have been seen as famous criminals some helped people other just helped theirselves.

Robin Hood even though we dont really know if he was real. He helped the poor people by stealing from the rich and giving to the poor, yeah ok like he never took anything for himself

Bonnie and Clyde killed people, they were fighting for what they thought was right, thing is some of the things they thought were right where not.

Friday 2 March 2007

What is Infidelity?

Does anyone really know what is classed as cheating on a person other than having physical contact with another person, is there anymore ways a person can be committing adultary.

Infidelity is not always wrong but it is not always right either I am confused myself about whether it is right or wrong as many people have different views on it, listening to peoples views has confused me alot I am unsure now if infidelity is actually wrong anymore.

the links is how to deal with infidelity